Latest and Greatest


Once a year or so, we like to shoot something that’s just for US. Sometimes we partner up with people, sometimes we create things on our own, and sometimes we travel all the way out to the Nevada desert… but it’s always for the same reason. Our souls need the challenge and the change of […]

Paper Wedding : A Collaboration

Happy Friday, everyone! Tonight, we’re shooting a wedding in Austin, & tomorrow, another wedding down in Katy. Both of this weekend’s couples are fantastic, and we’re so excited to capture their beautiful events! But before we get there, we have to wrap up last weekend’s mini sessions. The response to all these photographs has been […]

McG Spring 2013 Celebration Sessions : Part 3


Last week, we photographed Katy & Kyle’s maternity session around the McG studio at 3825 S. Bowen, and enjoyed perhaps the most gorgeous weather of the year so far. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and a few flowers had even begun to bloom on the trees. It sounds sappy to say, but […]

Katy & Kyle (and Nora!) : Maternity