This blog post is long overdue. It’s been going on three weeks now since there’s been internet in the McG office, or even the ability for one computer to talk to another. It was supposed to be fixed the day after we flew to Philadelphia, a week after Chris & Amy’s wedding, so I saved […]

Kara & Josh celebrated the start of their forever on a lovely Sunday at The Springs in Aubrey. They used the relatively new venue there, The Lodge, and it was SO gorgeous. We hadn’t seen that part of the property before, and especially for a hot summer day, the light inside was just delicious. This […]

Cara & James are one of those couples that we kind of watched fall in love on social media. Ok, wait, that sounds creepy. Cara was a bridesmaid in a wedding we shot years ago, and we’ve kept in touch with her, and when James started showing up in her instagrams, I distinctly remember telling […]