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As the illustrious R. Kelly would say, “It’s the freakin’ Weekend!” Sometimes, Friday is as good a reason as any to take a day off and party like it’s summer 2004… I mean, especially since we work on Saturdays. 😉 Anyway, we’re blogging today all about LAST weekend’s party… Casey & Devin’s OW Ranch wedding! […]

Casey & Devin : Wedding Pt. 2

When we arrived at the McG Studio at Bowen bright & early Sunday morning, we got a little nervous. It was WAY more cloudy than the weathermen had predicted even 12 hours before, with no signs of lightening up. Still, the wind from the day before had died down, and the temperatures were higher, so […]

McG Spring 2013 Celebration Sessions : Pt. 2


Whew!! Talk about a WHIRLWIND couple of days! Because we’ve got a double-header weekend coming up with weddings in both Austin & Houston, we knew we wanted to get our favorites from the McG Celebration Mini Sessions blogged THIS week. But after photographing 23 families, we were so wiped! I was worried I wouldn’t be […]

McG Spring 2013 Celebration Sessions : Pt. 1