Dorothy is 7 months old!

This is the first month that I’ve really felt the pressure to get Dorothy’s “month” birthday pictures done. We just finished an absolutely insane run of 9 weddings in 8 weeks, and I’m up to my neck in editing, and my sister flew in for the week, and AHHHHH!!!! It just didn’t seem like there was time to get anything grand and wondermous completed.

So, the morning we did these pictures, a few days later than I wanted to, I wasn’t expecting anything really great. Of course, my daughter and God conspired to blow my mind, and remind me that I ALWAYS need to take time for my children. She only has this first year of life once… there’s nothing on my list that’s more important than capturing it! The weather was perfect, Dorothy was laughing and mischievous and adorable, and I managed to secure what might be my favorite Dorothy picture to date.

I know you’re probably recovering from your Turkey Coma… I am, too, so I won’t make this a particularly wordy post. Just enjoy these pictures of my beautiful girl, discovering crunchy, delicious fall leaves! 🙂

Like I said, my baby sister is in town, so she got to help with this little shoot!

7 months means we’re more than halfway to the One Year mark. I just don’t understand how that happened.

“I’m smiling, because no matter HOW many times you tell me not to eat this leaf, I’m TOTALLY going to eat this leaf.”

Are you ready? My favorite… Surprised Dorothy. This one picture absolutely sums up the abundant, expressive, huge personality in our tiny little girl!

Happy Thanksgiving, friends! We’ll see you on Monday!

  1. bobbileigh says:

    The last one and the one with your sister are very cute!

  2. Annie says:

    What a cutie! Love her! P.s. I saw this whole post on my phone! Annie is a happy girl!

  3. Liesa says:

    Chelsea, Chelsea, Chelsea….your daughter is truly one of the most beautiful babies I’ve seen. Her personality seems just so calm, and you can tell she loves soaking up life! I’m pretty sure she got this from her parents! These are so beautiful!

  4. Jen says:

    Yeah, I was hoping there would be a blog today! She is soooo perfect!

  5. Stefani says:

    She is so adorable! I love the last one!

  6. Ambo says:

    Priceless,amazing,wonderful…..soooo adorable! Love Dottie’s surprised face! Great job Chels!

  7. Amanda Johnson says:

    I really adore the one with your sister. They are both smiling such genuinely happy smiles. And Dorothy’s surprised look is pretty priceless. Imagine how it will grow as she does. Eventually (many years from now), you should make a compilation of surprised Dorothy faces. You have enough skillz to catch them during all the happy surprises that await her.

  8. Misty says:

    Oh Chelz, she is just about the most beautiful, adorable, sparkling little baby girl I’ve ever seen!!! WONDERFUL pics!!!!!! <3

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