good for the soul

Mack and I are firm believers that happy people make better business owners. Happy, fulfilled, inspired people.

But further than that… we believe that happy, rested, fulfilled, inspired couples make better parents. And happy, fulfilled, rested, inspired individuals make better spouses.

This summer, we took time off from work to spend with our children, and soak up the long days. We 100% believe that this time off helped us enter our fall season in a healthier frame of mind… limiting work helps us to do better work.

We are blessed to live close to, and have an excellent relationship with, my parents and grandparents. They don’t just watch the kids when we need to work… they call and ask to have the kids even if we DON’T have to work. It’s pretty much the best possible situation for everyone. So when Mom saw Mack and I getting run a bit ragged, and heard how insane October & November were going to be for us, she encouraged us to take 2 days off. Not a working trip, just really and truly a mini-getaway from the real world, to refresh ourselves.

We came back better parents, because we’d slept so much. 🙂 We came back better business owners, because we were re-inspired to kick some tail. And most importantly, we came back better partners, because we took the time to reinvest. If you don’t feed something it dies… whether that be your business, or your relationship. We intend to keep it all very much alive. 🙂

We didn’t take a single picture of ourselves while we were in San Antonio last week, but I took a few of the hotel. Several people asked on Facebook about the property, and I give it two very enthusiastic Thumbs Up. The Indigo Riverwalk will definitely have our repeat business.

There were pretty places to sit inside and out… We got a King River View Room, and it was totally worth the extra $$.

We were a little worried when we arrived and saw that there was a building being demolished RIGHT across the river from us, but it wasn’t bad. Made for cool pictures, too. 🙂

Oh hey! There IS one picture of me. Because I loved this mirror. 🙂

Throughout October & November, we’ve got workworkworkworkwork, and two weekends set aside specifically for time with family. Which means that by the time the second week of December gets here, we’ll be ready to go get ourselves refreshed ALL over again with a whirlwind trip to SoCal. Oh, how my heart loves travel!

  1. Amber B says:

    I really loved this post…it kinda hit home. We really need to do this bc being parents and working really runs us down. Ya’ll inspired me today! Love the pics, that’s a cool hotel by the way! Very modern and pretty ;o)

  2. Christian U says:

    I LOVE this post! Chelsea thank you for writing it! I absolutely love what you have said, and the lesson behind it. Plus the pictures are so fun! It looks like a beautiful weekend!

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