Tuesday Date at the State Fair


In our ever-continuing quest to balance being business owners with being spouses & parents, Mack and I have prioritized “mental health breaks” the last couple weeks.They’re important for our sanity… and believe me, you don’t want us any crazier than this. 🙂

Some are super low-key and easy… like Monday night, when we sat on the couch with the windows open and listened to the rain while reading. So peaceful.

Some are kid-centric, like last week when we took Jack out of school on a whim and took both the littles to the Fort Worth Zoo for a perfect day of monkeying around. (shhhh… don’t tell the Dept. of Ed.)

And some days, like yesterday, are just about us. Working mostly evenings and weekends means that traditional date nights are fairly sparse in the land of McG, so we have to take them where we can get them. We decided on two days notice that between boot camp & our Tuesday afternoon portrait session, we’d fit in a date!

Boy, did life try to talk us into cancelling. Mack didn’t sleep well at all on Monday night. I lost a toenail due to a somewhat hilarious & also terrible home accident, and my foot hurts so bad I want to die. And then boot camp, as usual, kicked our butts all over town. Still, we decided we needed to buck it up and go on a date. I am so so SO glad we did!

We spent a few hours yesterday soaking up the blissfully cool (if somewhat blustery) weather at the State Fair of Texas. We rode the Texas Star ferris wheel and played games in the midway and got free toothpaste from a sidewalk-hawker. We saw bees and alligators and lots of people with unfortunate style. We ate Fletcher’s Corn Dogs and fried butter and fried cookie dough and lemonade. I lusted after a turkey leg, but didn’t have any room in my belly. We snuggled and sang to each other, and got called “love birds” by a vendor.

All in all, I’d say that it was a pretty dadgum successful mid-week daytime date! Go us!

We didn’t take the “real” cameras in with us, but we took lots of pictures on the iPhone. I am WICKED impressed by the camera in the new iPhone 4s… maybe we’ll use it again soon. 🙂

The State Fair is only open through this coming Sunday, so I advocate everyone calling in sick to work and spending at least a few hours there. But don’t tell your boss I said so… that probably wouldn’t be good for business. 😉

Be sure to come back tomorrow… I’ll be sharing one of my favorite Part 1 Wedding posts of the year, and you don’t want to miss it. 🙂 Also, for fans of the foxiness, there’s a somewhat inspirational new post at the Girls On Film blog. Check it out!

  1. Angela says:

    Looks like you guys had fun! We pulled our kids out early to go yesterday, which is fun to do now and then. We stuck with the kids’ area, but now that I’ve seen this post, my husband and I will have to try and go sometime minus the kiddos next year.

  2. Abby says:

    The fried butter was uh-mazing.

  3. Bethe Wright says:

    Love the fair pictures! I will admit I was a little sad when I checked my blog reader while drying my hair this morning and there was no McG love on there. But then I thought… “they were at the fair yesterday, I hope they had so much fun they didn’t have time to blog!” Guessing I was partially right. Thanks for making my too-long-for-my-own-good morning routine a little more entertaining every morning. And I’m laughing that you did boot camp AND ate fried butter in the same day… sounds like something I would do.

  4. Misty says:

    Awwww YAY! 🙂

  5. Erica says:

    I love that you share your lives with us right alongside your art! Glad to know you’re able to balance love, life, kids and work. 🙂 Blessings to you both!

  6. MeaganB says:

    That IS a pretty nice camera 😉

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