Will : Newborn Celebration

I think Will takes the cake as the biggest newborn I’ve ever photographed. He tipped the scale at 9.5 pounds, but it’s 9.5 pounds of pure cuddly gorgeousness. He’s just the SWEETEST baby, and we had such a great time visiting with Liz & Hunter while their newborn son made his modeling debut. 😉

Check out a few of my faves!


SUCH a pretty family!

McG Blogstalkers, I hope y’all are ok with newborns. 😉 In 2012 I shot 5 of these sessions… 3 last year… and this year I’ve already photographed three, and have three more on the calendar for the next couple of months. Then, another huge baby boom in January. Basically, this seems like it might be more of a regular thing around here, and I am 100% cool with that. 🙂

  1. megB says:

    And this is why they pay you the big bucks 🙂

  2. ann says:

    What a handsome boy. Oh my. Beautiful family, indeed.

  3. Monica says:

    So basically, what you’re saying is we are seeing the results of the IceApocalypse of 2013?

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