McG Best of 2014

Our favorite portraits from each of our 2014 weddings…

1. Erica & David


2. Matt & Sophie


3. McKenna & Jacob


4. Tiffany & Michael


5. Jennifer & Matt


6. Shelley & Matt


7. Nikki & Ben


8. Amanda & Brad


9. Emily & Rich


10. Jason & Byron


11. Mariana & Joaquin


12. Katie & Taylor


13. Christina & Jordan


14. Blaize & Cameron


15. Casey & Devin


16. Heather & Chris


17. Lindy & Devin


18. Chris & Cie


19. Kylie & Tyler


20. Brandi & Jimmy


21. Kurt & Carley


22. Amy & John


23. Liz & Troy


24. Lauren & Micah


You can vote ONLY through commenting on THIS blog post with a valid email address. One vote per person. Vote by saying the name of the couple (or their number).

And hey… stay tuned, because we’re sharing other “best of” posts all week long, just for fun! Engagements, bridals, details, moments… there’s something new every day. 🙂

  1. Amy Hodges says:

    21 Kurt & Carley

  2. Mike Babcock says:

    My little brother. Brandi and Jimmy

  3. Me says:

    Brandi and jimmy

  4. Ana collazo says:

    Brandi and jimmy!!

  5. Megan singer says:


  6. Tori shipley says:

    Brandi & Jimmy

  7. Tara says:

    #5 Matt and Jennifer!!!

  8. Cathy Weaver says:

    #19 – Kylie and Tyler
    Beautiful couple!!!

  9. Cathy Weaver says:

    #19 – Kylie and Tyler

  10. britt says:

    #15 Devin & Casey

  11. Shanna says:

    #21 Curt and Carley!

  12. Alex says:

    #5 Jennifer and Matt!!

  13. Sylvia says:

    11-Mariana and Joaquin

  14. Elizabeth Crissup says:

    #5. Jennifer & Matt

  15. Shelby Hiles says:

    18. Chris & Cie

  16. Jennifer says:

    #21 – Kurt & Carley

  17. Randon says:

    Brandi and Jimmy

  18. Lauren Webb says:

    #20 BRANDI and JIMMY!!

  19. Melynda James says:

    #21 Carley and Kurt

  20. Emily Moser says:

    #20 Brandi and Jimmy

  21. Bridgette says:

    #7 Nikki & Ben

  22. Jennifer says:

    All day long #2!!!

  23. Elizabeth says:

    #8-Brad and Amanda

  24. Melissa says:

    #10 Byron & Jason

  25. Kristina says:

    #7 Nikki and Ben

  26. Naomi says:

    20 Brandi and Jimmy

  27. Denise Doggett says:

    #22 Amy and John

  28. Amy says:

    19. Kylie and Tyler

    This has elements of their personality, and wedding all in one.

  29. Denise Doggett says:

    Amy and John #22

  30. sam says:

    #2 Matt & Sophie

  31. Ashley says:

    #8 Brad and Amanda

  32. sonomi says:

    8. Amanda & Brad

  33. Daisy says:

    Brandi and Jimmy

  34. Rebecca says:

    #8 Brad and Amanda!

  35. Priscilla says:

    Beautiful! #21 Kurt & Carley

  36. Ann Boarman says:

    Nikki and Ben Waters the most gorgeous couple #7.

  37. Ashley U says:

    #8 Brad and Amanda

  38. Kirby says:

    #21!!!! Kurt & Carley!!!

  39. Lindsay says:

    Lauren & Micah #24

  40. Cathy Guess says:

    Voting for Kurt and Carley #21!

  41. Debbie says:

    #7 Nikki and Ben great couple!

  42. Colby says:

    #19- Kylie and Tyler

  43. McKenna Harwell says:

    #3 me and Jacob!!!

  44. Stephanie says:

    I don’t know any of these brides or grooms. So I scroll through and vote for the image that makes me catch my breath and this year, that was #18 Chris and Cie.

    A close second for #8, Amanda and Brad because I love the joy on her face.

  45. Kimberly says:

    Kimberly – #15 Devin & Casey

  46. Patricia says:

    # 19 – Kylie and Tyler

  47. Shelby H says:

    Kylie and Tyler – #19

  48. Karyn Nelsen says:

    #15 Casey and Devin

  49. Danielle DiCarlo says:

    the only winner should be #7 NIKKI & BEN!!! She looks stunning and they look so in love!! And I’m not biased because she was my best friend In high school!!!

1 3 4 5 6 7 44

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