Hank, Harper, & Emerson : Newborn Celebrations

Last week, McG had the snuggliest Monday EVER. We got to meet newborn baby Hank, and infant twin sisters Harper & Emerson, and capture all their tiny adorableness in pictures.

We’re definitely not newborn specialists, but it’s going to be a busy year for babies on the McG blog. We have four more newborns coming up in the next 6 weeks alone! I absolutely swoon over the work that dedicated newborn artists can create, with their studios & white noise machines & elaborate set-ups. Me? I don’t really roll that way. We show up to our clients’ houses with minimal props… Mack sets up a few lights while I snuggle the baby, then we shoot on the baby’s schedule. Nothing too fancy, nothing too detailed… I like comfortable, squishy newborns who never even know I was there. Our clients sometimes even get to take a nap in their own beds for an hour or so while I’m shooting… talk about a bonus! We’re so honored that our McG wedding alumni keep calling us back to photograph them again as their families expand. It’s truly an honor, and we do not take it lightly.

We started with Baby Hank, who at one week old, was already pretty much the most macho guy I’ve ever met. I mean, look at those little arms & his precious scowl!


Harper & Emerson were born in January, but they still haven’t quiiiiite reached their original due date. Such go-getters, these two! After some time in the NICU, they’re both home now, happy & healthy & grunting all over the place. Seriously, I’ve never seen louder babies, and they’re the CUTEST. I could have sat & snuggled the two of them all day… and considering how easily they slept for me, I bet Nadia & Mike would have let me!


This next shot is not one I really planned, but that is LITERALLY the way those girls were comfortable. They wanted their rear ends touching, and heads hanging out, and they slept that way for a solid 20 minutes.


Sweet girls… we’re so glad you’re home!!

Another big thank you to Lauren & Trenton, and Nadia & Mike, for letting us come play with your precious babies. We’re so proud for all of you, and can’t wait to watch these little people grow!!

  1. ann says:

    Oh McG. McG. My heart can’t take this. You make me just want to crawl into the screen and cuddle these cuties.

    Hank – with the fishing hat? SUPER STUD.

    Harper & Emerson – first I love the names. Second that unplanned basket shot? They may be tiny but they know a good pose. I sense divas in the making!! LOVE

    Congrats moms & dads on your gorgeous babies. If you ever need a stand in grandma I’m available!!

  2. Lisa Snead says:

    The pictures of Hank are incredible! I love them all! It was so nice to see you both again! See you soon!!

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